Part 2: Applications & implications for individuals and organisations

Overview of Part 2

Part II is a compendium of case studies and examples from real world projects, illustrating a range of applications of LoM :

  1. Setting the Context
  2. Discovery versus Delivery
  3. Landscape of the Mind and Leadership
  4. Divergence and Innovation
  5. Depth analysis and compentencies
  6. Social Ecosystems
  7. More on Complexity Science
  8. Application to a key global challenge: sustainability
  9. Reflections and Conclusions

1. Setting the Context

2. Discovery versus Delivery

3. Landscape of the Mind and Leadership

4. Divergence and Innovation

5. Depth Analysis and Compentencies

6. Social Ecosystems

7. More on Complexity Science

8. Application to a key global challenge: sustainability

9. Reflections and Conclusions

Watch Part 3

Part 3: Personal experiences: interviews with users